Knutson, E. M. (2006). Cross-cultural awareness for second/foreign language learners. Canadian Modern Language Review , 62(4), (591-610). This article proposes a reconsideration of curricular objectives at the post-secondary level with respect to the teaching of culture. The author explores...
Karaman, A. C. & Tochon, F. V. (2007). International student teaching in world language education: Critical criteria for global teacherhood. Critical Inquiry in Language Studies , 4(2), (237-264). Those involved in pre-service and in-service teacher preparation will benefit from reading...
Sanatullova-Allison, E. & Sanatullov, M. (2007). Preparing teacher candidates to integrate technology in the foreign language classroom: A teacher educator's perspective . In Moeller, A. & Theiler, J. (Ed.), Learning Languages in a Digital World: 2007 Report of the Central States Conference on...
Tucker, H. (2000). The place of the personal: The changing face of foreign language literature in a Standards-based curriculum. ADFL Bulletin , 31(2), (53-58). Of interest to literature instructors, primarily at the post-secondary level. The author discusses how to shift the positionality...
Sanatullov, M. (2009). Design, issues, and objectives in foreign language field experience . In Lally, C. G. & Bloom, M. (Ed.), Diverse by Design: 2009 Report of the Central States Conference on the Teaching of Foreign Languages . (pp. 69-83). Milwaukee, WI: CSCTFL. This chapter will interest...
Diaz-Greenberg, R. & Nevin, A. (2004). Listen to the voices of foreign language student teachers: Implications for foreign language educators . In Phipps, A. & Guilherme, M. (Ed.), Critical Pedagogy: Political Approaches to Language and Intercultural Communication . (pp. 48-61). Clevedon, UK:...
Abrate, J. (1999). Using authentic documents: Making connections to the wider world . In Nerenz, A. (Ed.), Standards for a New Century . (pp. 75-88). Lincolnwood, IL: National Textbook Company. This article proposes a reconsideration of authentic documents to include more than just texts....
Kadish, D. Y. (2000). The challenge we face: Applying National Standards to the college foreign language curriculum. ADFL Bulletin , 31(1), (49-52). This article would provide ideas to university language programs administrators on ways to implement the Standards into their curriculum....
Fox, R. K. & Diaz-Greenberg, R. (2006). Culture, multiculturalism, and foreign/world language Standards in U.S. teacher preparation programs: Toward a discourse of dissonance. European Journal of Teacher Education , 29(3), (401-422). This study will be particularly interesting to pre-service...
Colville-Hall, S., Fonseca-Greber, B. & Cavour, I. (2007). Preparing for the ACTFL/NCATE program report: Three case studies . In Moeller, A. & Theiler, J. (Ed.), Learning Languages in a Digital World: 2007 Report of the Central States Conference on Teaching Foreign Languages . (pp. 39-60)....