Allen, L. Q. (2002). Teachers' pedagogical beliefs and the Standards for Foreign Language Learning. Foreign Language Annals , 35(5), (518-29). State and institutional foreign language teaching supervisors and coordinators would benefit from reading this study. It contains information ...
Angelini, E. M. (1999). Putting the Standards into practice: Activities for the Foreign Language classroom . In Nerenz, A. (Ed.), Standards for a New Century . (pp. 117-129). Lincolnwood, IL: National Textbook Company. Describing instructional activities used at the postsecondary level in...
Knutson, E. M. (2006). Cross-cultural awareness for second/foreign language learners. Canadian Modern Language Review , 62(4), (591-610). This article proposes a reconsideration of curricular objectives at the post-secondary level with respect to the teaching of culture. The author explores...
Gifford, C. (2008). Casting a broad net: Diverse learners in the community college classroom. NECTFL Review , 61, (211-248). Of interest especially to teachers at the community college level, this article describes the successes of a teacher at a community college serving an academically,...
Magnan, S. S. (2006). Enjeux et defies de l'enseignement du français langue étrangère en France et aux Etats-Unis (Issues and challenges of teaching French as a Foreign Language in France and the United States). French Review , 80(2), (332-352). This article, written in French, addresses...
Lange, D. L. & Wieczorek, J. A. (1997). Reflections on the collaborative projects: Two perspectives, two professionals . In Phillips, J. K. (Ed.), Collaborations: Meeting New Goals, New Realities . (pp. 243-272). Lincolnwood, IL: National Textbook Company. This chapter is a dialogue between...
Redmond, M. L. & Hoag, K. (2003). An imaginary adventure in Martinique for the elementary grades. French Review , 76(6), (1186-1200). Of interest especially to elementary language teachers, this article describes a pedagogical unit designed using the Standards for an elementary French class....
Cheatham, R. M. (2008). Connecting a Standards-based curriculum with student performance and assessment . In Wilkerson, C. (Ed.), Languages for the Nation . (pp. 63-77). Roswell, GA: Southern Conference on Language Teaching. This chapter will interest anyone concerned about revamping foreign...
Tucker, H. (2000). The place of the personal: The changing face of foreign language literature in a Standards-based curriculum. ADFL Bulletin , 31(2), (53-58). Of interest to literature instructors, primarily at the post-secondary level. The author discusses how to shift the positionality...
Cheatham, R. (2007). A 21st century approach to integrating culture and communication . In Cherry, C. M. & Bradley, L. (Ed.), From Practice to Profession . (pp. 79-90). Valdosta, GA: Southern Conference on Language Teaching. This article will interest teachers of all levels, although it has...