Byrnes, H. (2001). Articulating foreign language programs: The need for new, curricular bases . In Lally, C. G. (Ed.), Foreign Language Program Articulation: Current Practice and Future Prospects . (pp. 157-180). Westport, CT: Bergin & Garvey. This chapter would be particularly useful for...
Heusinkveld, P. (2006). Talking about music: Ethnographic interviews on traditional Hispanic songs . In Cherry, C. M. (Ed.), Languages for Today's World . (pp. 61-76). Valdosta, GA: Southern Conference on Language Teaching. This article offer classroom examples for Spanish teachers....
Allen, L. Q. (2002). Teachers' pedagogical beliefs and the Standards for Foreign Language Learning. Foreign Language Annals , 35(5), (518-29). State and institutional foreign language teaching supervisors and coordinators would benefit from reading this study. It contains information ...
Lafayette, R. (Ed.). (1996). National Standards: A catalyst for reform . Lincolnwood, IL: National Textbook Company. This volume examines how the newly formed Standards proposed to influence the various segments of the profession, including national associations and national policy,...
Phillips, J. K. (2009). Strengthening the connection between content and communication . In Scott, V. M. (Ed.), Principles and Practices of the Standards in College Foreign Language Education . (pp. 29-37). Boston: Heinle. Teachers interested in implementing Standards-based curriculum will...
Ashby, W. & Ostertag, V. (2002). How well can a computer program teach German culture? Some preliminary findings from EthnoDeutsch. Die Unterrichtspraxis / Teaching German , 35(1), (79-85). The article is particularly relevant for readers who are interested how technology can support a...
Magnan, S. S. (2008). The unfulfilled promise of teaching for communicative competence: Insights from sociocultural theory . In Lantolf, J. P. & Poehner, M. (Ed.), Sociocultural Theory and the Teaching of Second Languages . (pp. 349-379). London: Equinox. This article is addressed mainly to...
Long, D. R. (1999). Breaking down the barriers: Implications of Standards for Foreign Language Learning for United States universities. ADFL Bulletin , 31(1), (78-79). This opinion piece would interest post-secondary faculty in any language. The author discusses how Standards-educated...
McGee, L. G. (2001). Building community and posing projects: Creating "student pages" in web-based and web-enhanced courses. Foreign Language Annals , 34(6), (534-549). With reference to research on use of the web as a learning tool, the author argues for using web-based student pages in ...
Overfield, D. M. (2002). The foreign language learning community: Content and collaboration in the university. NECTFL Review , 50, (32-35). This article will be of great interest to faculty whose campuses have or are planning to create Learning Communities. LC programs cluster a number of...