This volume examines how the newly formed Standards proposed to influence the various segments of the profession, including national associations and national policy, professional development, state frameworks and local curriculum guides, and assessments. It would be of interest to administrators and researchers working in curriculum development. Chapters include: 1) Using Standards to Improve Education: A Way to Bring About Truth in Teaching and Learning, 2) Professional Policy in Foreign Language Education: What It Is and How We Get It, 3) Standards and Foreign Language Teacher Education: Developing New Professionals during a Time of Reform, 4) A Collaborative Approach to Professional Development, 5) New Learners and New Environments: Challenges and Opportunities, 6) Technology, Reform, and Foreign Language Standards: A Vision for Change, 7) The Programmatic Implications of Foreign Language Standards, 8) Assessment: From Content Standards to Student Performance, 9) Reactions to the Catalyst: Implications for Our New Professional Structure.#PolicyorAdministrative #Curriculum #BookEdited #All5Cs #All #All #Principalfocus #Standards