Publications on the National Standards

Articulating foreign language programs: The need for new, curricular bases. In Foreign Language Program Articulation: Current Practice and Future Prospects 

08-29-2011 12:00

Byrnes, H. (2001). Articulating foreign language programs: The need for new, curricular bases . In Lally, C. G. (Ed.), Foreign Language Program Articulation: Current Practice and Future Prospects. (pp. 157-180). Westport, CT: Bergin & Garvey.

This chapter would be particularly useful for administrators, teachers, and researchers interested in the relationship between the Standards and articulation of the language program. Byrnes discusses how the Standards might be interpreted to provide a curricular framework that re-conceptualizes the relationship of language and language acquisition. Rather than focusing on instruction, as proposed by Lange, Byrnes suggests that task-based units serve as building blocks for curricula that bridge content and language to create meaning through discourse.

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Subtitle:Foreign Language Program Articulation: Current Practice and Future Prospects
Author(s):Byrnes, H.
Publisher:Bergin & Garvey
Publication Date(s):1/1/2001
Volume:Westport, CT
ISBN:Lally, C. G.
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