Blackmon, C. & Pagcaliwagan, L. (1997). Small world language and culture for children: FLEX and the new Standards . In Terry, R. M. (Ed.), Addressing the Standards for Foreign Language Learning . (pp. 99-114). Valdosta, GA: Southern Conference on Language Teaching. This chapter describes a...
Hayhi, J. (2008). Diversity in the classroom: Differentiation in a FLES setting. NECTFL Review , 61, (121-124). Of interest especially to FLES teachers, this article offers the testimony of a Japanese FLES teacher who built a curriculum around student interest. She looked to develop...
Wood, P. G. (1999). Who is using the National Foreign Language Standards?. Foreign Language Annals , 32(4), (435-440). State and local administrators interested in implementing Standards-based curricula will benefit from this article. The author provides a historical review of the ...
Goulah, J. (2007). Toward pax terra-humana: Cultural transformative learning and a planetary literacy in the foreign language classroom. Journal of Transformative Education , 5(2), (163-176). This article will be of interest to all teachers who want to learn more about the principles of...
Yamada, Y. & Moeller, A. (2001). Weaving curricular Standards into the language classroom: An action research study. Foreign Language Annals , 34(1), (26-34). Teachers of all languages at both the high school and college levels would benefit from reading this study of a pen-pal e-mail...
Mitsui, A., Haxhi, J., Donato, R. & Tucker, G. R. (2009). Introducing writing activities into the Japanese-as-a-foreign-language (JFL) classroom: A teacher-researcher collaboration. NECTFL Review , 64, (5-17). Of interest to PK-5 teachers, curriculum planners, and researchers, this article...
Larson, P. (2006). The return of the text: A welcome challenge for less commonly taught languages. Modern Language Journal , 90(2), (255-258). Teachers of LTCLs will be interested in this article. The author (a teacher of Japanese) notes that reading and writing are fundamental for the...
Fukai, M. (2005). Meeting the Standards for Foreign Language Learning through an internet-based newspaper project: Case studies of advanced-level Japanese learners. Journal of the National Council of Less Commonly Taught Languages , 2, (101-130). Of interest to post-secondary instructors of...
Kubota, R. (2003). Critical teaching of Japanese culture. Japanese Language and Literature , 37(1), (67-87). This article would be of interest to scholars who work on refining the Standards and to reflective classroom teachers. The author critiques the Standards approach to describing...
Goulah, J. (2006). Transformative second and foreign language learning for the 21st century. Critical Inquiry in Language Studies , 3(4), (201-221). This article would be of interest to scholars who work on refining the Standards and teachers who view education as a transformative ...