Phillips, J. K. (2009). Strengthening the connection between content and communication . In Scott, V. M. (Ed.), Principles and Practices of the Standards in College Foreign Language Education . (pp. 29-37). Boston: Heinle. Teachers interested in implementing Standards-based curriculum will...
Hedderich, N. (2003). Improving the image by expanding the mission of foreign language teaching in the US. NECTFL Review , 52, (48-51). This article will be of interest to those in higher education seeking to make program changes that will have stronger appeal to students and to...
McGee, L. G. (2001). Building community and posing projects: Creating "student pages" in web-based and web-enhanced courses. Foreign Language Annals , 34(6), (534-549). With reference to research on use of the web as a learning tool, the author argues for using web-based student pages in ...
Edstrom, A. M. (2005). Female, nonnative perspectives on second language conversation: Connecting participation with intercultural sensitivity. Foreign Language Annals , 38(1), (25-34). This article would be of interest to researchers in discourse analysis. The article reports the nonnative...
Knutson, E. M. (2006). Cross-cultural awareness for second/foreign language learners. Canadian Modern Language Review , 62(4), (591-610). This article proposes a reconsideration of curricular objectives at the post-secondary level with respect to the teaching of culture. The author explores...
Calvin, L. M. (2005). Graffiti, the ultimate realia: Meeting the Standards through an unconventional culture lesson. Hispania , 88(3), (527-530). This lesson suggestion would interest teachers of any language at any level. The author proposes to use photographs of graffiti as authentic ...
Savignon, S. J. & Sysoyev, P. V. (2005). Cultures and comparisons: Strategies for learners. Foreign Language Annals , 38(3), (357-363). Teachers interested in exploring strategies for teaching sociocultural competence will benefit from reading this article. Using a 3-phase approach...
Lange, D. L. & Wieczorek, J. A. (1997). Reflections on the collaborative projects: Two perspectives, two professionals . In Phillips, J. K. (Ed.), Collaborations: Meeting New Goals, New Realities . (pp. 243-272). Lincolnwood, IL: National Textbook Company. This chapter is a dialogue between...
Kubota, R. (2004). The politics of cultural difference in second language education. Critical Inquiry in Language Studies , 1(1), (21-39). This article would be of interest to methods instructors and researchers in critical pedagogy. The author critiques various approaches to cultural...
Redmond, M. L. & Hoag, K. (2003). An imaginary adventure in Martinique for the elementary grades. French Review , 76(6), (1186-1200). Of interest especially to elementary language teachers, this article describes a pedagogical unit designed using the Standards for an elementary French class....