Gifford, C. (2008). Casting a broad net: Diverse learners in the community college classroom. NECTFL Review , 61, (211-248). Of interest especially to teachers at the community college level, this article describes the successes of a teacher at a community college serving an academically,...
Moreira, M. L. (2003). Lições de cultura, literatura e língua portuguesa através de leituras brasileiras: Os Cinco Cs. Hispania , 86(1), (110-120). This article is a personal account of one teacher's attempt to redefine a "readings" course to address multiple Standards. Given the highly ...
Yang, S. C. (2001). Integrating computer-mediated tools into the language curriculum. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning , 17(1), (85-93). This study, which investigated the Internet as means to actualize the 5 C's, will be interest teachers and researchers. Fifty-five second-year...
Abrate, J. (1998). Standards for teaching cultures: The National Standards and the AATF framework . In Alley, D. & Heusinkveld, P. (Ed.), Communications, Cultures, Connections, Comparisons, Communities . (pp. 19-25). Valdosta, GA: Southern Conference on Language Teaching. The article is...
Duran-Cerda, D. (2008). Strengthening la identidad in the Heritage learner classroom: Pedagogical approaches. Hispania , 91(1), (42-51). This research study would interest teachers as well as researchers, especially those working in Spanish. The study, with 29 community college heritage...
Kalfus, R. (1999). Focus on the Standards for Foreign Language Learning within the community-college context . In Nerenz, A. (Ed.), Standards for a New Century . (pp. 42-56). Lincolnwood, IL: National Textbook Company. This chapter is addressed to educators at the community-college level,...
Blaz, D. (2002). Bringing the standard for foreign language learning to life . Larchmont, NY: Eye on Education. This book demonstrates how student-centered strategies can be applied in the classroom. It shows how to prepare lesson plans based on what students should know and be able to do,...