Publications on the National Standards

Focus on the Standards for Foreign Language Learning within the community-college context. In Standards for a New Century 

08-29-2011 12:00

Kalfus, R. (1999). Focus on the Standards for Foreign Language Learning within the community-college context . In Nerenz, A. (Ed.), Standards for a New Century. (pp. 42-56). Lincolnwood, IL: National Textbook Company.

This chapter is addressed to educators at the community-college level, but will interest high school and college educators as well. It describes how community colleges can bring the goals of the Standards into their classrooms, and on ways to improve articulation between high school, community-college, and four-year college programs. With each of the 5Cs, the authors offer examples of classroom practice that integrates the Standard into the curriculum, telling how they appeal to different types of learners, from those learners right out of high school to retirees.

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Subtitle:Standards for a New Century
Author(s):Kalfus, R.
Publisher:National Textbook Company
Publication Date(s):1/1/1999
Volume:Lincolnwood, IL
ISBN:Nerenz, A.
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