Fantini, A. E. (1999). Comparisons: Towards the development of intercultural competence . In Phillips, J. K. & Terry, R. M. (Ed.), Foreign Language Standards: Linking Research, Theories, and Practices . (pp. 165-178). Lincolnwood, IL: National Textbook Company. This chapter is of particular...
Calvin, L. M. (2005). Graffiti, the ultimate realia: Meeting the Standards through an unconventional culture lesson. Hispania , 88(3), (527-530). This lesson suggestion would interest teachers of any language at any level. The author proposes to use photographs of graffiti as authentic ...
Savignon, S. J. & Sysoyev, P. V. (2005). Cultures and comparisons: Strategies for learners. Foreign Language Annals , 38(3), (357-363). Teachers interested in exploring strategies for teaching sociocultural competence will benefit from reading this article. Using a 3-phase approach...
Kubota, R. (2004). The politics of cultural difference in second language education. Critical Inquiry in Language Studies , 1(1), (21-39). This article would be of interest to methods instructors and researchers in critical pedagogy. The author critiques various approaches to cultural...
Abrams, Z. I. (2002). Surfing to cross-cultural awareness: Using internet-mediated projects to explore cultural stereotypes. Foreign Language Annals , 35(2), (141-160). This article describes a study in which learners enrolled in third-semester German language courses explored their...
Haas, M. (2008). Weaving and life in Guatemala: Life and weaving in Guatemala. NECTFL Review , 61, (166-186). This article will interest elementary teachers and administrators wishing to bring language across the curriculum in their schools. After an introduction about Guatemalan women...
Walz, J. (1998). Meeting Standards for Foreign Language Learning with world wide web activities. Foreign Language Annals , 31(1), (103-13). K-12 French teachers will benefit from this article providing Web-based learning scenarios for grades 4, 8, and 12. The author provides Web sites and...
Lipton, G. C. (2001). The FLES* advantage: FLES* programs in the third millennium. French Review , 74(6), (1113-1124). Elementary school administrators and teachers will find this article informative. The author cites neuro-cognitive research supporting early language learning. She argues...
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Jernigan, C. G. & Moore, Z. (1997). Teaching culture: A study in the Portuguese classroom implications for the National Standards. Hispania , 80(4), (829-841). Teachers of Portuguese and other teachers interested in ways to teach culture will find this article informative. The authors...