Rosenbusch, M. H. (2005). The Issue: The No Child Left Behind Act and teaching and learning languages in U.S. schools. Modern Language Journal , 89(2), (250-261). This article will be of interest to those concerned about the effect of No Child Left Behind (NCLB) Act legislation on foreign...
Ricardo-Osorio, J. G. (2008). A study of foreign language learning outcomes assessment in U.S. undergraduate education. Foreign Language Annals , 41(4), (590-610). This article is a report of a 2005 survey of foreign language department heads on types of assessments used in undergraduate ...
Mathews, T. J. & Hansen, C. M. (2004). Ongoing assessment of a university foreign language program. Foreign Language Annals , 37(4), (630-640). This article reports on how Weber State University (Utah) developed outcomes for their FL major using a combination of the ACTFL Proficiency...
Canada, B. O. (1996). Atlanta superintendent strongly supports National Standards. Learning Languages , 1(3), (5-6). This brief article recaps a superintendent's motivational address in support of the Standards, given at ACTFL in 1995. The author encourages his audience to arouse support...
Phillips, J. K. (2003). Implications of language education policies for language study in schools and universities. Modern Language Journal , 87(4), (579-586). This article is of interest to administrators and educators working to influence policies related to foreign language education. The...
Glisan, E. W. (2005). Leaving no foreign language teachers behind: A grassroots perspective. Modern Language Journal , 89(2), (268-272). This article will interest those concerned with how the FL profession may respond to the threat of NCLB Act legislation. Glisan provides two guiding...
Jenkins, F. & Abrate, J. (2002). From gold to diamond: 25 more years in the life of the AATF, 1978-2002. French Review , 75(6), (1087-1102). This article describes many of the aspects of the AATF including their chapters, budgets, programs, journals, commissions and task forces, etc. from...
Colville-Hall, S., Fonseca-Greber, B. & Cavour, I. (2007). Preparing for the ACTFL/NCATE program report: Three case studies . In Moeller, A. & Theiler, J. (Ed.), Learning Languages in a Digital World: 2007 Report of the Central States Conference on Teaching Foreign Languages . (pp. 39-60)....
Coville-Hall, S. & Fonseca-Greber, B. (2007). Preparing for the ACTFL/NCATE program report: Three case studies . In Moeller, A. & Theiler, J. (Ed.), Learning Languages in a Digital World: 2007 Report of the Central States Conference on Teaching Foreign Languages . (pp. 39-60). Milwaukee, WI:...
Cheatham, R. M. (2006). Integrating Standards and instruction: One university's experience . In McAlpine, D. & Dhonau, S. (Ed.), Responding to a New Vision for Teacher Development . (pp. 75-87). Eau Claire, WI: Crown Prints. Of interest to instructors and program administrators at the 13-16...