Heusinkveld, P. (2006). Talking about music: Ethnographic interviews on traditional Hispanic songs . In Cherry, C. M. (Ed.), Languages for Today's World . (pp. 61-76). Valdosta, GA: Southern Conference on Language Teaching. This article offer classroom examples for Spanish teachers....
Phillips, J. K. (2009). Strengthening the connection between content and communication . In Scott, V. M. (Ed.), Principles and Practices of the Standards in College Foreign Language Education . (pp. 29-37). Boston: Heinle. Teachers interested in implementing Standards-based curriculum will...
Ashby, W. & Ostertag, V. (2002). How well can a computer program teach German culture? Some preliminary findings from EthnoDeutsch. Die Unterrichtspraxis / Teaching German , 35(1), (79-85). The article is particularly relevant for readers who are interested how technology can support a...
Long, D. R. (1999). Breaking down the barriers: Implications of Standards for Foreign Language Learning for United States universities. ADFL Bulletin , 31(1), (78-79). This opinion piece would interest post-secondary faculty in any language. The author discusses how Standards-educated...
Colville-Hall, S. & O'Connor, B. (2006). Using big books: A Standards-based instructional approach for foreign language teacher candidates in a PreK-12 program. Foreign Language Annals , 39(3), (487-506). This article is of interest to instructors preparing language teachers as well as...
Angelini, E. M. (1999). Putting the Standards into practice: Activities for the Foreign Language classroom . In Nerenz, A. (Ed.), Standards for a New Century . (pp. 117-129). Lincolnwood, IL: National Textbook Company. Describing instructional activities used at the postsecondary level in...
Edstrom, A. M. (2005). Female, nonnative perspectives on second language conversation: Connecting participation with intercultural sensitivity. Foreign Language Annals , 38(1), (25-34). This article would be of interest to researchers in discourse analysis. The article reports the nonnative...
Gifford, C. (2008). Casting a broad net: Diverse learners in the community college classroom. NECTFL Review , 61, (211-248). Of interest especially to teachers at the community college level, this article describes the successes of a teacher at a community college serving an academically,...
Moeller, A. & Theiler, J. (Ed.). (2007). Learning languages in a digital world: 2007 report of the central states conference on teaching foreign languages . Milwaukee, WI: CSCTFL. This 2007 Central States volume, with 11 chapters, considers the integration of technology to promote authentic...
Calvin, L. M. (2005). Graffiti, the ultimate realia: Meeting the Standards through an unconventional culture lesson. Hispania , 88(3), (527-530). This lesson suggestion would interest teachers of any language at any level. The author proposes to use photographs of graffiti as authentic ...