McGee, L. G. (2001). Building community and posing projects: Creating "student pages" in web-based and web-enhanced courses. Foreign Language Annals , 34(6), (534-549). With reference to research on use of the web as a learning tool, the author argues for using web-based student pages in ...
Magnan, S. S. (2008). What is needed for global literacy to become an educational reality?: Summary of a discussion group. Modern Language Journal , 92(4), (628-630). This article is particularly interesting for policy makers and administrators. It appears as part of MLJ Perspectives, "From...
Magnan, S. S. (2007). Reconsidering communicative language teaching for national goals. Modern Language Journal , 91(2), (249-252). This article will particularly interest program and materials developers as well as teachers. It appears as part of MLJ Perspectives, "National Educational...
Zéphir, F. (1998). New directions in the study of French: Toward a francophone revolution . In Alley, D. & Heusinkveld, P. (Ed.), Communications, Cultures, Connections, Comparisons, Communities . (pp. 27-40). Valdosta, GA: Southern Conference on Language Teaching. This article would be of...
Tacelosky, K. (2008). Service-learning as a way to authentic dialogue. Hispania , 91(4), (877-886). This article, of particular interest to teachers and researchers, describes a service-learning component of an intermediate-level Spanish course and presents students' reflections on their ...
Duvick, R. (2008). Teaching about the French heritage of the Midwest . In Moeller, A., Theiler, J. & Betta, S. (Ed.), Turning Today's Students into Tomorrow's Stars . (pp. 55-67). Milwaukee, WI: CSCTFL. This chapter will be of most interest to those who teach French, but more specifically...
Gonzalez-Bueno, M. (1998). The effects of electronic mail on Spanish L2 discourse. Language Learning & Technology , 1(2), (55-70). This two-semester long study investigated the effect of email dialogue journaling in promoting L2 learning inside and outside of the classroom. Fifty students...
Walz, J. (1998). Meeting Standards for Foreign Language Learning with world wide web activities. Foreign Language Annals , 31(1), (103-13). K-12 French teachers will benefit from this article providing Web-based learning scenarios for grades 4, 8, and 12. The author provides Web sites and...
Lipton, G. C. (2001). The FLES* advantage: FLES* programs in the third millennium. French Review , 74(6), (1113-1124). Elementary school administrators and teachers will find this article informative. The author cites neuro-cognitive research supporting early language learning. She argues...
Magnan, S. S. (2008). Reexamining the priorities of the National Standards for Foreign Language Education. Language Teaching , 41, (349-366). This article is of particular interest to researchers, but instructors will find that it helps them rethink the focus of their teaching. The author...