Brazilian Portuguese Lessons As the webmaster of, I am interested in more ideas to learn Brazilian Portuguese. I created my website back in 2008 as a resource for people to learn the Portuguese language. This site has really been a "work in progress". I do...
Moreira, M. L. (2003). Lições de cultura, literatura e língua portuguesa através de leituras brasileiras: Os Cinco Cs. Hispania , 86(1), (110-120). This article is a personal account of one teacher's attempt to redefine a "readings" course to address multiple Standards. Given the highly ...
Jernigan, C. G. & Moore, Z. (1997). Teaching culture: A study in the Portuguese classroom implications for the National Standards. Hispania , 80(4), (829-841). Teachers of Portuguese and other teachers interested in ways to teach culture will find this article informative. The authors...