Blackmon, C. & Pagcaliwagan, L. (1997). Small world language and culture for children: FLEX and the new Standards . In Terry, R. M. (Ed.), Addressing the Standards for Foreign Language Learning . (pp. 99-114). Valdosta, GA: Southern Conference on Language Teaching. This chapter describes a...
Lally, C. G. (2000). Extracurricular standards: An application of the National Standards to a FLEX summer camp. Hispania , 83(1), (120-126). This article would be on interest to teachers and school administrators. In it, the author describes how the National Standards can serve to support...
Lipton, G. C. (2001). The FLES* advantage: FLES* programs in the third millennium. French Review , 74(6), (1113-1124). Elementary school administrators and teachers will find this article informative. The author cites neuro-cognitive research supporting early language learning. She argues...