Publications on the National Standards

Standards for a new century 

08-29-2011 12:00

Nerenz, A. (Ed.). (1999). Standards for a new century. Lincolnwood, IL: National Textbook Company.

Of interest to teachers and administrators at all levels in many languages, this book is the report of the 1999 Central States Conference on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (CSC). It includes 12 chapters written by teachers of different languages which offer an array of pedagogical suggestions for teaching around the National Standards. As Nerenz says in her introduction, the first group of chapters describes broad implications of the Standards. The second group offers pedagogical activities for which the 11 content Standards are detailed and often include assessment plans, by peers, teachers, and in portfolios. As a whole, the volume offers a compelling picture of how the National Standards can drive curricular revision and promote student language learning.

#Assessment #ClassroomExamples #Outcomes #Curriculum #All #Technology #All5Cs #Standards #Teachersandteaching #Principalfocus #BookEdited #All #LearnersandLearning

Author(s):Nerenz, A.
Publisher:National Textbook Company
Publication Date(s):1/1/1999
Volume:Lincolnwood, IL
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