Publications on the National Standards

Reconsidering French pedagogy: The crucial role of the teacher and teaching 

08-29-2011 12:00

Magnan, S. S. & Tochon, F. V. (2001). Reconsidering French pedagogy: The crucial role of the teacher and teaching. French Review, 74(6), (1092-1112).

The authors start the article with a review of the literature of studies that reported the reasons why learners chose to study French. The authors then review second language learning theories and situate the communicative language teaching (CLT) approach within these theories. The authors then question aspects of CLT including authenticity, the importance of context, integration of competencies, and the focus on the learners. The authors then draw from Francophone Didactic models which valorize the teacher as a "knower" of curriculum and instruction. The authors conclude that Didactics is an integrated part of European and Francophone culture and, as such, becomes part of the content associated with all of the 5 Cs of the National Standards. The authors further suggest that we should use Didactics to pass from studying ways of knowing French to studying Francophone ways of knowing.

#JournalArticle #French #TheoriesandMethods #All #Research #2.Cultures #All5Cs #Substantialmention

Subtitle:French Review
Author(s):Magnan, S. S. & Tochon, F. V.
Publication Date(s):1/1/2001
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