Publications on the National Standards

Reactions to the catalyst: Implications for our new professional structure. In National Standards: A Catalyst for Reform 

08-29-2011 12:00

Phillips, J. K. & Lafayette, R. (1996). Reactions to the catalyst: Implications for our new professional structure . In Lafayette, R. (Ed.), National Standards: A Catalyst for Reform. (pp. 197-209). Lincolnwood, IL: National Textbook Company.

Concluding a volume dedicated to the Standards, this chapter discusses the impact the Standards had prior to their official release, evaluates the Standards using Shanker's (1994) "Criteria for High Quality Standards", and examines the implications of the Standards to the profession. This chapter would be particularly useful to researchers or administrators interested in the development, implementation, and impact of the Standards in their early years.

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Subtitle:National Standards: A Catalyst for Reform
Author(s):Phillips, J. K. & Lafayette, R.
Publisher:National Textbook Company
Publication Date(s):1/1/1996
Volume:Lincolnwood, IL
ISBN:Lafayette, R.
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