Publications on the National Standards

Meeting the National Standards: Now what do I do?. In Celebrating Languages: Opening All Minds! 

08-29-2011 12:00

LeLoup, J. W. & Ponterio, R. (1997). Meeting the National Standards: Now what do I do? . In Voguely, A. (Ed.), Celebrating Languages: Opening All Minds!. (pp. 43-50).

This article speaks to the merits of the Standards as providing a generalizable guideline that defines what students should know and be able to do with the foreign language, leaving evaluation and assessment to be locally dictated. The authors suggest that the Standards' Sample Progress Indicators can be used to assist in establishing acceptable performance levels for FL learners at the local level. The authors then relate the National Standards to the state of New York's Learning Standards for Languages Other Than English (LOTE) and provide a few examples of other states' integration of the Standards into their curriculum design and lesson plans. The authors then provide a detailed example of a lesson plan they call the Aconcagua Project and describe primarily how this project incorporates the Connection Standards in this project, in addition to a few other Standards. The authors then provide another example in which students take a virtual trip to Paris, again relating the activity to the Standards and provide an assessment rubric for the activity in the appendices.

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Subtitle:Celebrating Languages: Opening All Minds!
Author(s):LeLoup, J. W. & Ponterio, R.
Publication Date(s):1/1/1997
ISBN:Voguely, A.
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