Publications on the National Standards

Foreign language articulation: Using the National Standards as a guide for local articulation efforts. In Foreign Language Program Articulation: Current Practice and Future Prospects 

08-29-2011 12:00

Lally, C. G. (2001). Foreign language articulation: Using the National Standards as a guide for local articulation efforts . In Lally, C. G. (Ed.), Foreign Language Program Articulation: Current Practice and Future Prospects. (pp. 17-28). Westport, CT: Bergin & Garvey.

In this chapter, Lally extends the Standards as a basis for teacher preparation and professional development. Practical applications for each area of the Standards in teacher behavior and preparation are provided. This reapplication of the 5C's is intended to develop the "climate" (or culture) of foreign language education, for more effective and fluent transitions between programs of foreign language study. This chapter would be of particular interest to administrators and teachers responsible for curriculum planning and professional development.

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Subtitle:Foreign Language Program Articulation: Current Practice and Future Prospects
Author(s):Lally, C. G.
Publisher:Bergin & Garvey
Publication Date(s):1/1/2001
Volume:Westport, CT
ISBN:Lally, C. G.
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