Publications on the National Standards

Extramural Standards: foreign language learning beyond the classroom. In New Millennium, New Directions 

08-29-2011 12:00

Lally, C. G. (2000). Extramural Standards: foreign language learning beyond the classroom . In Cherry, C. M. (Ed.), New Millennium, New Directions. (pp. 79-85). Valdosta, GA: Southern Conference on Language Teaching.

This report will be of interest to organizers of non-academic, extra-curricular programs for L2 learning. The author points out that the NSFLL have been used principally for planning and assessing academic curricula, but they are just as useful for designing extra-mural programs. The bulk of the report is a description of how one particular French immersion event for middle- and high-school students of French, organized by the Nebraska AATF, addresses all five of the NSFLL.

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Subtitle:New Millennium, New Directions
Author(s):Lally, C. G.
Publisher:Southern Conference on Language Teaching
Publication Date(s):1/1/2000
Volume:Valdosta, GA
ISBN:Cherry, C. M.
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