Publications on the National Standards

Composition and articulation: Classroom practice, National Standards, and academic alliances. In Foreign Language Program Articulation: Current Practice and Future Prospects 

08-29-2011 12:00

Krug, C. (2001). Composition and articulation: Classroom practice, National Standards, and academic alliances . In Lally, C. G. (Ed.), Foreign Language Program Articulation: Current Practice and Future Prospects. (pp. 29-44). Westport, CT: Bergin & Garvey.

This chapter would be of interest to teachers and administrators at any level who are concerned with articulation. Krug describes the lack of planned articulation between FLES, middle school, high school, and college-level language programs. She then uses the component of composition as a medium to describe how the Standards might be used to articulate this aspect of a curriculum. It is suggested that increased communication among practitioners, and application of the Standards and ACTFL Proficiency Guidelines would allow students to reach higher levels of language proficiency in all language skills.

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Subtitle:Foreign Language Program Articulation: Current Practice and Future Prospects
Author(s):Krug, C.
Publisher:Bergin & Garvey
Publication Date(s):1/1/2001
Volume:Westport, CT
ISBN:Lally, C. G.
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