This article will interest teachers, curriculum planners, and researchers at all levels, who focus their work on culture. Challenging a categorical approach to defining and teaching culture, the author advocates going beyond behavior to identify, through an interdisciplinary approach, the values and beliefs that shape a behavior in a second culture. The authors explain the Cultures Standard as a categorical approach to culture, dividing it into three parts: cultural perspectives, cultural products, and cultural practices. They find that the Standards call for a reevaluation of the goals of cultural learning in FL programs because, rather than focusing on cultural products and practices as self-contained entities and phenomena, they place attention on the underlying values, beliefs, and attitudes that generate cultural products and they sanction codes of common behavior. In their discussion, they treat each of the three Ps in detail, with reflection on the curriculum.#Principalfocus #JournalArticle #2.Cultures #Standards #All #TheoriesandMethods #All #Curriculum