Publications on the National Standards

Assessment now and into the future. In 2005-2015: Realizing Our Vision of Languages for All 

08-29-2011 12:00

Phillips, J. K. (2006). Assessment now and into the future . In Heining-Boynton, A. L. (Ed.), 2005-2015: Realizing Our Vision of Languages for All. (pp. 75-103). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson.

Phillips defines ‘assessment', with respect to ‘testing', and envisions the rise of assessment in a Standards - driven profession. She describes several standardized language tests currently in use, and compares testing goals to assessment goals. She then describes the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) and the Integrated Performance Assessment (IPA ), two assessments that exemplify principles of the Standards. This article would be of interest to language coordinators, supervisors, and teachers responsible for developing language tests.

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Subtitle:2005-2015: Realizing Our Vision of Languages for All
Author(s):Phillips, J. K.
Publication Date(s):1/1/2006
Volume:Upper Saddle River, NJ
ISBN:Heining-Boynton, A. L.
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