Publications on the National Standards

Assessment and the Standards for Foreign Language Learning. In Standards for a New Century 

08-29-2011 12:00

Barrette, C. M. (1999). Assessment and the Standards for Foreign Language Learning . In Nerenz, A. (Ed.), Standards for a New Century. (pp. 1-18). Lincolnwood, IL: National Textbook Company.

This essay article would interest teachers of any language, at any level, who seek to implement newer, Standards-based assessments. Looking at the 5 Cs and placing them in three categories, the author stresses the need to move beyond simple proficiency (Communication) measures, and suggests ways to assess "content-based Standards" (Culture, Connections, and Comparisons) and "behavioral Standards" (Communities), separately or together, with critiques for satisfying validity and reliability requirements.

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Subtitle:Standards for a New Century
Author(s):Barrette, C. M.
Publisher:National Textbook Company
Publication Date(s):1/1/1999
Volume:Lincolnwood, IL
ISBN:Nerenz, A.
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