Publications on the National Standards

Addressing the culture goal with authentic video. In Collaborations: Meeting New Goals, New Realities 

08-29-2011 12:00

Schwartz, A. & Kavanaugh, M. S. (1997). Addressing the culture goal with authentic video . In Phillips, J. K. (Ed.), Collaborations: Meeting New Goals, New Realities. (pp. 97-140). Lincolnwood, IL: National Textbook Company.

This chapter, of interest to university researchers interested in action research and language teachers at any level, describes in detail a project undertaken between a high school Spanish teacher and a university professor. The goal of their project was to design a curricular unit around the Culture goals of the Standards using authentic video as the principal focus. The authors describe the planning and project in detail, evaluate project goals and student reactions, and reflect on their experience collaborating with one another.

#Curriculum #HighSchool #BookSection #Principalfocus #2.Cultures #Research #Teachersandteaching #Spanish #Research #ClassroomExamples

Subtitle:Collaborations: Meeting New Goals, New Realities
Author(s):Schwartz, A. & Kavanaugh, M. S.
Publisher:National Textbook Company
Publication Date(s):1/1/1997
Volume:Lincolnwood, IL
ISBN:Phillips, J. K.
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