#Standards #JournalArticle #Russian #All5Cs #LessCommonlyTaught #Principalfocus #Curriculum #All
Blackmon, C. & Pagcaliwagan, L. (1997). Small world language and culture for children: FLEX and the new Standards . In Terry, R. M. (Ed.), Addressing the Standards for Foreign Language Learning . (pp. 99-114). Valdosta, GA: Southern Conference on Language Teaching. This chapter describes a...
Savignon, S. J. & Sysoyev, P. V. (2005). Cultures and comparisons: Strategies for learners. Foreign Language Annals , 38(3), (357-363). Teachers interested in exploring strategies for teaching sociocultural competence will benefit from reading this article. Using a 3-phase approach...
Wood, P. G. (1999). Who is using the National Foreign Language Standards?. Foreign Language Annals , 32(4), (435-440). State and local administrators interested in implementing Standards-based curricula will benefit from this article. The author provides a historical review of the ...
Sanatullov, M. (2008). Integrating Russian cuisine with Russian language and culture classes . In Moeller, A., Theiler, J. & Betta, S. (Ed.), Turning Today's Students into Tomorrow's Stars: 2008 Report of the Central States Conference on Teaching Foreign Languages . (pp. 69-85). Milwaukee, WI:...
#All #All #JournalArticle #TheoriesandMethods #4.Comparisons #ClassroomExamples #Principalfocus #Teachersandteaching #LearnersandLearning #Research #Standards #Russian