Omoto,Y., Fukai, M., Schneider, K., Design,S. W. & Albuquerque,T. V. I. Survey on the use of computer and the Internet in Japanese classes in Northern California. Proceedings of the seventeenth annual meeting of the Southeastern Association of Teachers of Japanese (pp. 71-85). ...
Clinch, B. J., Sheridan,D., Jacobsen,D. M., Kremer, R., Shaw,M. L. G., Wijngaards,N. J. E., Yohon,T., Andrews,L., Matthews,H. R. & Brown,I. Web assisted language learning. Proceedings of World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia, and Telecommunications (pp. 1334-1335). ...
Duff,P. A. Foreign language policies, research, and educational possibilities: A Western perspective. APEC Educational Summit, Beijing, China. #ConferenceProceedings #Passingmention
Ogan,A., Aleven,V. & Jones,C. Culture in the classroom: Challenges for assessment in ill-defined domains. 8th International Conference on Intelligent Tutoring Systems; Workshop on Intelligent Tutory Systems for Ill-Defined Domains (pp. 92-100). #ConferenceProceedings #Passingmention
Champion, E. & Sekiguchi, S. Suggestions for new features to support collaborative learning in virtual worlds. Creating, Connecting and Collaborating through Computing, 2005. (pp. 127-134). #Passingmention #ConferenceProceedings
Collins, H. T., Czarra,F. R. & Smith,A. F. Guidelines for Global and International Studies Education: Challenges, Culture, Connections #Passingmention #ConferenceProceedings