Immersion 2012: Bridging Contexts for a Multilingual World

Starts:  Oct 18, 2012 00:00 (ET)
Ends:  Oct 20, 2012 00:00 (ET)

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Conference AnnouncementPlease Post/Distribute


Call for Proposals - Deadline extended!

Fourth International Immersion Conference

Immersion 2012:
Bridging Contexts for a Multilingual World

October 18-20, 2012
Crowne Plaza St. Paul-Riverfront
St. Paul, Minnesota, USA

Featured Plenary Speakers

Donna Christian, Senior Fellow, Center for Applied Linguistics, USA
Ester de Jong, Associate Professor, University of Florida, USA
Tīmoti Kāretu, Executive Director, Te Panekiretanga o Te Reo, Te Wānanga o Aotearoa, New Zealand
Roy Lyster, Professor, McGill University, Canada
Merrill Swain, Professor Emerita, University of Toronto, Canada

Conference Description

Language immersion education continues to evolve as a highly effective program model for launching students on the road to bi- and multilingualism and intercultural competence. School-based immersion programs commit to a minimum of 50% subject-matter schooling through a second, world, heritage, or indigenous language at the preschool and elementary levels with varying amounts of subject-based language learning support throughout secondary and post-secondary education. Program models include one-way world language immersion, two-way bilingual immersion, and indigenous/heritage immersion for language and culture revitalization. While each model targets distinct sociocultural contexts and educational needs, all embrace language, literacy and culture development through subject matter learning.

Under the leadership of the Center for Advanced Research on Language Acquisition, University of Minnesota (CARLA), the fourth international conference on immersion education brings these models together to engage in research-informed dialogue and professional exchange across languages, levels, learner audiences, and sociopolitical contexts.

CARLA is currently seeking proposals for papers, discussion sessions, and symposia on aspects of language immersion education related to four conference themes:

Theme 1:  Immersion Pedagogy and Assessment
Theme 2: 
Culture, Identity, and Community
Theme 3: 
Program Design, Leadership, and Evaluation
Theme 4: 
Policy, Advocacy, and Communications

In addition to basic, applied, and evaluation research, conference organizers welcome a range of practitioner perspectives including immersion teachers, administrators, curriculum coordinators, parents, and specialists who work in immersion programs. Papers, presentations, discussion sessions, and symposia may report on data-based research, theoretical and conceptual analyses, or best practices in language immersion classrooms.

Proposal Submission

The deadline for submissions has been extended to March 26, 2012.

For submission details see:


The Center for Advanced Research on Language Acquisition (CARLA) at the University of Minnesota houses one of several Title VI Language Resource Centers funded by the U.S. Department of Education to improve the nation's capacity to teach and learn foreign languages effectively. CARLA supports a number of coordinated programs of research, training, development and dissemination of information relating to second language teaching and learning.

CARLA emails are designed to give second language teachers and researchers current information on the programs and projects currently operating under the auspices of CARLA. You are also invited to visit the CARLA website at For more information about all the Title VI Language Resource Centers, visit our joint site at

We hope that you enjoy receiving periodic updates from CARLA. We encourage you to share this email with colleagues who may be interested.  Anyone can sign up to receive updates from CARLA at If you would like us to take you off the list, please e-mail the center at

       Elaine Tarone, CARLA Director
       Karin Larson, Coordinator




Center for Advanced Research on Language Acquisition (CARLA)
140 University International Center • 331 17th Ave SE • Minneapolis, MN 55414

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