With the support of the Center for Applied Linguistics (CAL), Second Language Testing, Inc. (SLTI), Georgetown University, and the National Capital Language Resource Center (NCLRC), the East Coast Organization of Language Testers (ECOLT) will hold its eleventh annual conference on November 2-3, 2012 in Washington, D.C.
Plenary Speaker: Dr. Steven Ross, University of Maryland
For more information on the Call for Papers, see below or visit the ECOLT
website: http://www.cal.org/ecolt/index.html
Meg Malone, ECOLT Co-Chair
Francesca DiSilvio, ECOLT Co-Chair
Beth Mackey, Program Chair
Receipt Deadline: Friday, June 15, 2012
Notification: July, 2012
We invite proposals from colleagues in academia and education, government, and for-profit and not-for-profit organizations. ECOLT encourages students, researchers, and teachers to present papers or posters on projects related to language testing.
PAPERS: (30 minutes)
This format is best suited for theory-oriented presentations or the presentation of completed research. Presenters will have 20 minutes to discuss their paper, followed by 10 minutes for questions and comments from the audience.
POSTERS: (1 hour)
Poster sessions will provide an opportunity for the presentation of work in progress and research that is being planned, as well as for the presentation of test development projects, new tests, and technological innovations.
Poster presenters will interact with interested participants at the location of the poster display for an hour.
Contribution to the field
Quality of the research/study
Clarity of the abstract
Each submission should be on two pages.
Page One:
Contact information:
Full name of principal presenter and full contact information (affiliation, postal address, telephone, fax, email) All return correspondence will be to this individual only.
Full names, affiliations, addresses, and email addresses of co-presenter(s) if any Type of presentation (Paper or Poster) Title of presentation
AV equipment required: computers and projectors will be provided for all paper presentations. Display areas, tables, and poster boards (30x40 inch white boards with foam) will be provided for posters.
Abstract: Abstracts should be between 200 and 300 words, single-spaced.
Abstracts should be clearly written and concisely address the following:
Context of the issue(s) researched
Purpose of the study
Summary of the methodology or analytical procedures used Results/conclusions Implications/significance to the field of language testing
Page Two:
Type of presentation (Paper or Poster)
Title of presentation
Abstract (duplicated from Page One)
The two-page submission should be sent as an email attachment to Beth Mackey at msbethmackey@gmail.com by June 15, 2012. The filename should read:
Classification: UNCLASSIFIED
Caveats: NONE