Southern California Language Immersion Symposium & Celebration “Looking Back, Leading The Way”

When:  May 13, 2011
Southern California Language Immersion Symposium & Celebration
Looking Back, Leading The Way”

Friday, May 13th, 2011, 1:30pm – 5:30pm and 7:30pm – 9:00pm

Culver City celebrates its 40th anniversary of language immersion with a 3-day celebration.
The weekend celebration will include a language immersion symposium, children’s day celebration, and alumni reunion (1971-2010). The event is sponsored by the Advocates for Language Learning, El Marino (ALLEM).
The celebration begins on Friday, May 13th with the Southern California Language Immersion Symposium, Looking Back, Leading The Way and will feature afternoon panel discussions with language immersion experts and special guests including:
  • Keynote address on global education by Yong Zhao, Presidential Chair and Associate Dean for Global Education, College of Education at the University of Oregon
  • Talk on the past, present and future of language immersion education by Nancy Rhodes and Tara Fortune
  • Panel Discussions on topics including: Challenges and critical issues of immersion programs, The ABC’s of language immersion; advocacy; issues unique to secondary schools, teacher strategies, retrospective of language immersion alumni.
For more information on the Language Immersion Symposium, please visit:

For more information on the weekend celebration, please visit:

Culver City Veterans Auditorium Complex
4117 Overland Blvd.
Culver City, California

Jenny Manriquez


Culver City Veterans Auditorium Complex
4117 Overland Blvd.
Culver City, CA