People are often unsure of the difference between content standards, performance guidelines and proficiency guidelines and how they all related and build off each other. While detailed definitions of each of these terms are provided within this glossary, this entry attempts to quickly explain the difference and how they work together to form the basis of language education.
- Proficiency Guidelines - provide a common metric by which to measure performance.
- Content Standards - define what a student should know and be able to do.
- Performance Guidelines - set forth a characteristics of language users at the various stages or benchmarks of learning and development.
Working Together
The Proficiency guidelines were developed first and as such influence both the content standards and the performance guidelines. Teachers will recognize the influence of the proficiency guidelines within the standards, particularly in the area of communication. However, in keeping with the attempt to create a broadly conceived standards, communication is organized around a framework of interpersonal, interpretive, and presentational modes, rather than carved into seperate skill areas of listening, speaking, reading and writing. The performance guidelines define "how well" students can be expected to do the "what" from the content standards. As with the content standards, the guidelines are articulated accordingin to the communicative modes: Interpersonal, Interpretive and Presentational. A much more in depth discussion of this relationship, how the standards came about and what is the hoped results of these documents is discussed in the Standards for Foreign Language Learning in the 21st Century Executive Summary, available for free in the resources area.