
Podcasting Ideas

By Valeria Palladino posted 12-05-2011 19:43

I used the links and presentation tools in my podcasting channel (link below) to present at the recent ACTFL Annual International Conference in Denver. We presented together with other three colleagues from the US, on very creative ideas about the use of different technologies to teach Italian (and any second language). I greatly appreciated the enthusiasm we all shared during the session and the desire to "infect" all people in the audience with a love and passion for technologies. What a great professional development experience that was for us all.

You can find out more about the sample ideas I used in my 12-minute presentation, both in Italian and in English, at this site:

I also added a link to a more relaxed seminar-like type of session I presented later on to instructors of our organization ( with a few more tips about the use of podcasts for language learning.

Feel free to send in comments or questions.

Happy Holiday season to all!

