It has been a while since my last post. I do see though that there are some readers who may find the information I share useful or interesting. And I am possibly posting something now that is not even that new, to many professionals out there. But I have been able to put some effort and commitment to the ideas around using this tool, so I hope the ideas may help you implement some listening and speaking activities in your SL classes.
If you have been around some of my home blogs (all available at you wil have seen me using this cool tool called: AudioPal. It is available for free at the same name website, and it lets you create, with three easy steps, no downloads and no account set up requirements, audio files, that can be easily shared via email or placed on blogs and such.
(click here to get a sample of the text I wrote in AudioPal)
The deeper understanding of the tool and its uses come in the form of a special wiki I have set up through my work at a community college, in Alberta, Canada. I want to share that wiki with anyone in this community. Even if the video tools, ideas and examples may speak directly to ESL instructors, the tool is really easy to work with in any language and at any level. Ideal for elementary through college practice activities. Hope you will find it useful as much as I do. Let me know if you have any questions or want to share additional uses I could not think of.
The wiki link is: