
The Language Educator Articles for April are in Resources Library

By Sandy Cutshall posted 05-17-2010 13:00

Just wanted to make sure everyone realizes that you can download individual feature articles for different issues of The Language Educator from 2010.

There is a separate folder in the Resource Libraries section of this site for each of the issues published this year: January, February, and April. The April 2010 TLE folder  features the following articles:

  • Announcing the Results of the ACTFL 2009 Survey on Attitudes Toward Language Education
  • Opinion: Including Foreign Language in the Higher Education Professional Curriculum (by Matt Casado)
  • The Celebration Continues--Discover Languages Month 2010
  • Here Comes Hindi! (by Susan Reese)
  • Studying the Mother Tongue of Cooking in America's Heartland (by Patricia Koning)
In addition, the Career Focus for this issue ("Using Languages in Education") can be found in a Public TLE folder that presents all the previously published Career Focus articles.

As always, the full issue of The Language Educator  is also published on the ACTFL website.

