
Let's Eat! Finding Language and Cultural Connections While Sharing a Meal (from Feb 2010 TLE)

By Sandy Cutshall posted 02-15-2010 11:59


Many educators know that the path to finding your students' appetites for learning the target language and culture can often lead directly from their stomachs. In the February issue of The Language Educator magazine, we offered a few stories about using food to break down barriers and inspire students to embrace language learning and cultural awareness.

The stories featured were:

"Spanish A La Carte" by Rodrigo Cea
"Tortillas and Motivation" by Dorothea Ragsdale
"Gathering for
Le Déjeuner Français" by Marjorie Baker

Do you have a similar experience--or can you provide a no-fail recipe to use in the classroom? Share your ideas here!

To get the conversation started, here is Rodrigo Cea's recipe for alfajores caseros (caramel sandwich cookies):

Alfajores caseros (Caramel Sandwich Cookies)

(Esta receta rinde para 10 personas)




  • 2 paquetes de galletas de agua /soda.
  • 1 bolsa de manjar / dulce de leche de 500 gramos
  • 1 bolsa de coco rallado de 250 gramos




  • Un contenedor de plástico o metal.
  • Un cuchillo o espátula.
  • Una bandeja para colocar los alfajores ya preparados.




  • Primero tomar dos galletas de soda/agua.
  • Luego esparcir de forma uniforme el manjar/dulce de leche sobre la superficie de las dos galletas hasta que queden unidas.
  • Después untar los bordes de las galletas en un contenedor con coco rallado.
  • Finalmente, servir y disfrutar estos deliciosos alfajores caseros.





